Meet the Team

Dr Ciara Kelly
Developmental Psychologist and Research Associate at Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD) at the University of Manchester
Ciara is the principle investigator on the project. She is a developmental psychologist with a history of clinically driven research experience in early childhood deafness, focussing on early language and social cognitive development. Ciara has a keen interest in exploring ways to best support the communicative development of young deaf children, and has worked in collaboration with stakeholders such as teachers of the deaf, speech and language therapists, audiologists, and the National Deaf Children’s Society to develop family-centred support.
Prof Kevin Munro
Kevin is an Ewing Professor of Audiology at the University of Manchester, honorary Consultant Clinical Scientist at Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, and NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme Director.
Kevin brings a wealth of clinical and research experience to the team. He is passionate about increasing the profile and impact of audiology and is especially interested in paediatric assessment and rehabilitation, particularly the selection and verification of amplification. Kevin has been recognised for his outstanding contribution to audiology education and research by the British Society of Audiology and is the only audiologist to be awarded NIHR Senior Investigator status.

Dr Anisa Visram
Lecturer in Audiology at the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD) at the University of Manchester
Anisa is a research audiologist with a background in both clinical and research audiology. She has a special interest in improving paediatric clinical practice and played a critical role in the success of the University of Manchester’s ‘Ladies in the Van’ research, which was aimed at working towards ensuring babies are getting the maximum benefit from their hearing aids.
Professor Chris Armitage
Professor of Health Psychology in the Division of Psychology and Mental Health at the University of Manchester
Chris is a chartered health psychologist renowned for his influential research using psychological theory to develop tools for effective behaviour change among diverse populations, including children, health care professionals, and patients. He has extensive research experience in this area, publishing in over 150 peer-reviewed articles. Much of Chris’ work bridges science and application with practitioners across health and wellbeing.

Dr Helen Chilton
Senior Lecturer in Deaf Education, Programme Director for all Deaf Education programmes at Postgraduate Level, and Programme Director for Advanced Audiology (Paediatric Pathway) at the University of Manchester
Helen holds a pivotal, strategic position in UK Deaf Education as she works closely with schools and services for deaf children and informs national strategy alongside, and in collaboration with, other key stakeholders (such as BATOD, the National Deaf Children's Society and the Ewing Foundation). She has made significant contributions to deaf education through her innovative teaching and mentorship of other deaf educators. Helen’s research interest focusses on Theory of Mind and deafness in the context of practical intervention.
Dr Lindsey Jones
Senior Lecturer in Deaf Education at the University of Manchester
Lindsey is a qualified teacher of the deaf with a wealth of experience in deaf education. Before being appointed her lectureship on the Deaf Education programme, she was Head of a Hearing Impaired Service in the North East. Lindsey is particularly interested in the development of children's thinking and language, and her recent research focused on the development of language and reasoning about science among deaf and hearing children.