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Getting Involved in the CHerUB Project

Involvement from families, teachers of the deaf, educational audiologists, and audiologists is a very important part of the CHerUB project. It means we can ensure consistent messages across practice and develop a successful programme of support as we work towards the shared goal of consistent hearing aid use from the very start.

How can families get involved?

There are a number of ways you can get involved in the CHerUB project.


You can:

  • Take part in our latest study: An opportunity to help shape the support available for families raising a baby or toddler using hearing aids. You can either join a parent group conversation with families from your local baby group or chat with project lead Ciara about the challenges of raising a baby/toddler using hearing aids and what support or resources you think are needed. We hope to develop a programme of support and resources for families by families. 

Get Involved: About

How can professionals get involved?

There are a number of ways you can get involved in the CHerUB project.


You can:

  • Take part in our latest study: An opportunity to help shape the support received by families raising a baby or toddler using hearing aids by contributing to the co-production of a programme of support. You can either join a focus group discussion with other Teachers of the Deaf or Audiologists in your area or surrounding areas, or have a 1-to-1 chat with project lead, Ciara. 

  • Help us reach families about getting involved in our latest study by sharing a flyer with the families you support about the opportunity to contribute to the development of the programme of support. Download flyer here 

Get Involved: About
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