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Welcome to the CHerUB Project
Caring for Hearing aid Use in Babies
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What is the CHerUB project?
Achieving long-term, consistent hearing aid use from as early as possible is a critical part of ensuring the best possible spoken language outcomes for children with any level of hearing loss (from mild to profound). However, this is no easy task and can often come with many challenges and barriers that get in the way.
The Caring for Hearing aid Use in Babies (CHerUB) project aims to first develop a deeper understanding of the challenges families face when using hearing aids with babies. Then, we will use this understanding to develop a programme of support for families that builds on existing support.

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CHerUB is funded by the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) and supported by the Hearing Health theme of the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre, which is hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Manchester.
We are based at the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD) at the University of Manchester.
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